Patents for Sale

patents for sale
This page is here to provide you with the information on placing patents for sale.
✓ Learn the best places to find patent buyers.
✓ How to generate interest for patents for sale.
✓ Where to find patents for sale.
✓ Advice for those looking to sell a patent.
✓ An overview of how selling a patent works.
✓ Links to other resources for placing patents for sale.

Are you looking to list patents for sale? If so, you have come to the right website. One great way to sell your patent is to list it for sale on a patent listing marketplace such as ours. These are websites where inventors list their patents for other inventors or companies to look at and potentially buy. Why might you want to use a patent listing website, as opposed to other methods of selling your patent? There are several reasons.

The first reason is that approaching a manufacturer cold is not always easy. Some people have it in them to prepare elaborate sales pitches, conduct in-depth market research, and communicate the benefits of their patent to a complete stranger. Others do not. They find it tedious, boring, uncertain, risky, time consuming, and nerve racking. Other times, an inventor might be willing to do all of this, but simply lacks the business savvy to make it happen. This is perfectly understandable; mastering complex technical skills and creating new products is hard enough without trying to also stay on top of business lingo and customs. For such people, patent listing websites offer a great alternative: list your patent where people are plainly trying to buy them. No negotiations, haggling, or excessive disclosure until someone comes to you with an interest in your patent.

Another reason inventors are drawn to patent listing sites is the high cost of advertising a patent. While advertising in trade journals or magazines can be a highly effective means of selling your patent, this can be a costly proposition. If the industry your patent pertains to is hot or growing, you might find it cost-prohibitive to advertise in its trade journals.

On the other hand, listing your patent on websites like is relatively inexpensive. IdeaBuyer is a prime example of why patent listing websites can be so helpful to inventors who just want to get things done without a lot of red tape and hassles. Unlike many listing sites that a simply list patent for other inventors, IdeaBuyer goes a step further. In addition to other inventors, IdeaBuyer also works with companies who are actively seeking new IP to buy. Here’s the scoop, straight from

“After spending much of late 2006 and early 2007 developing a network of corporations who regularly purchase intellectual property and building an online platform for inventors to showcase their patents for sale to interested buyers, the site was launched in June of 2007. We are continuing to grow our relationships with companies seeking new products and inventors, universities, and corporations who are looking to sell or license intellectual property.”

It sounds great, doesn’t it? However, the real beauty of IdeaBuyer is that all of this networking with corporations and precise matchmaking between them and inventors is done in a very straightforward way. Here’s how it breaks down in six very specific steps.

1.Individual lists intellectual property available to be sold or licensed.

This is where you, the inventor, fill out a small blurb about your patent, what it contains, and who you think it might appeal to. The idea here is to make your patent seem as appealing as possible to potential buyers.

2.Listing is posted on our site and broadcast to our network of buyers.

Then, your patent listing is posted live on and displayed to individuals and companies who have told IdeaBuyer they are interested in that type of IP. This is a highly effective alternative to the “throw something at the wall and hope it sticks” approach taken by most inventors — ie, blasting our your proposals to anyone and everyone who “seems” relevant. Instead, IdeaBuyer shows your patent to only those who are truly interested.

3.Interested parties contact the seller.

When someone sees your patent and decides that they are interested, you are contacted securely through IdeaBuyer. This begins a series of legitimate and documented correspondence between you and interested parties. Gone are the days of recording phone calls and photocopying snail mail to prove that this or that discussion really took place. With IdeaBuyer, everything is recorded and saved for your easy retrieval.

4.Interested party may request more information or a presentation.

If the interested party desires, they can request some additional information from you or even a presentation. At this time, you are free to respond to them and arrange such things if you desire. This allows you to only invest the time and energy into presentation making after someone has expressed interest — a huge time saver!

5.Due diligence and negotiations.

If the presentation goes well, IdeaBuyer guides both buyer and seller into the due diligence and negotiation phase. It is during this “crunch time” phase that the advantages of having a reliable partner like IdeaBuyer become clear. Standardized forms and procedures are adhered to throughout, assuring that your negotiations are on the up and up.

6.Purchase or licensing is finalized offline between the buyer and seller.

Finally, when time comes to complete the patent sale, the purchase or licensing is finalized offline through use of proper filing procedures and fee payments. IdeaBuyer ensures that all of this is done in compliance with the pertinent regulations and requirements.

Clearly, using a patent listing service like is a smart decision for the inventor who wants to sell a patent — and get back to inventing!

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